Saturday, August 22, 2015

You cannot use single words to express kindness to other people - it is like water that benefits us but does not need anything back

I cannot believe that we have been here for a week already.

Time is really running fast and as I am getting familiar with Xi'an and the Chinese people I am getting more and more exited about being here.  Although I've tried to prepare from home, it is really very different to be here than I expected. 

The people are really nice and welcoming everywhere I go. We might not always understand each other, but with a little gesticulations and some Chinese and English words I manage. The older people are very much about history and ancestors. For example we had an interview in the office with one of the donators to our organisation Mr Chang, who told us that You cannot use single words to express kindness to other people.It is like water  - it benefits us, but it does not need anything back.

The city is both ancient as well as very modern.8 million people lives here if you include the suburbs - that is almost twice the people as in all Denmark. That was obvious on today's trip to the city. Donna, Cecilia and I rented bikes and rode on the City Wall and then went to the Muslim Quarter and did some shopping. I wish I could send an image that could give you an idea of the atmosphere there - the sounds, the smells, the noise, the heat...
#ibmcsc China30

Biking on Xi'an City Wall - 13 km

Muslim quarter - shopping

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